
Download the latest resources from the school information centre.

Uniform Information

Our uniform policy supports high expectations of behaviour and responsibility.

Links to other support agencies

Here are some links to other support agencies for children.


Our e-Safety Policy and some links to some website that parents may find useful.

Lunch Menus

All dishes are made freshly on-site using suppliers responsive to our needs.

After-school Care

After-school care providers for Burwell Village College Primary School.

Parent Consultations

Parent and teacher consultations are beneficial to parents, teachers and pupils.

Home Learning

A list of some of the apps and resources we recommend for home learning.

Financial Information

Financial data for the year 2018-19 for comparison with other national schools.


This policy applies to all personal data, regardless of paper or electronic format.


At Burwell, we follow the Department for Education COVID-19 Guidelines.

Enrol your child today!

Invest in your child’s future by building a solid foundation with Burwell Village College Primary School.