Uniform Information

Uniform Requirements

Upper body:

  • Navy blue polo shirt.
  • Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan.

Lower body:

  • Black skirt, shorts or trousers or pinafore dress. (No leggings, jeans, jersey skirts or dresses).


  • Black flat shoes. No commercial logos
  • No boots should be worn during the school day. (In cases of adverse weather, appropriate boots can be brought to school in a named bag so children can change for play time).
  • Black socks.

P.E. Kits:

All children should wear appropriate kit for PE lessons. PE Kit can worn to school on the days children have PE. Bags for PE kit are available from the school online supplier. Children must wear:

  • Navy blue t-shirt. (No commercial logos)
  • Black shorts.
  • Navy or black tracksuits for winter sports.
  • Suitable footwear (plimsolls or Black or white trainers children must change their footwear for PE lessons). No commercial logos.


  • Boys to wear swimming trunks / shorts.
  • Girls to wear an all-in-one swimming costume (no bikinis).
  • All children must wear a swimming hat.


  • Items such as bracelets or necklaces must not be worn to school.
  • If a child has pierced ears then small studs may be worn as long as the child is able to remove them when required to do so. Earrings must be removed for PE lessons. Please do not have children’s ears pierced during the school term – only the Summer holiday is appropriate to give sufficient time for piercings to heal.


  • Longer hair must be tied back at all times.
  • Please ensure that hair styles are appropriate for a school environment (no bright colours and no patterns shaved into hair).  Hair accessories should also be plain.

The policy supports the high-expectations of behaviour and personal responsibility that the school expects from pupils. Where the policy is not adhered to, pupils will be reminded of the expectations (along with their parents or carers if appropriate, particularly taking into account the age of the child).  If the policy continues to be ignored then children may be removed from lessons until such time as the uniform is corrected.

Ordering School Uniform

As a school we use online uniform provider MAPAC who supply embroidered clothing in school colours.

Please click on the link below to visit the site and see samples of uniform.

Uniform can be ordered online and delivered to your home address or to the school office for collection.

Mapac Uniform Order Link

Generic uniform available from supermarkets or similar is acceptable, uniform does not need to be logoed although we would encourage children to have at least one logoed jumper available for school photographs, trips and other times when children may be representing the school.

Second-hand uniform is available from the Friends, lost property and the school ‘swap shop’ run by the Well-being team.