Year Two


Curriculum Overview

2023 -2024


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  • 2A – Miss Mansfield and Mr Mayes – ffnszco
  • 2B – Mrs Baugh and Miss Springett – bxhbvsa


2A – Miss Mansfield and Mr Mayes

2B – Mrs Baugh and Miss Springett

Knowledge Organiser: Knowledge Organiser are powerful, learning tools. The knowledge organisers below include key vocabulary and information that will be essential during each unit of work.


Uses of Everyday Materials – Year 2

During this unit, you will identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials

Animals including Humans – Year 2

During this unit, you will learn about the basic needs of animals, including humans.

Living Things and Their Habitats – Year 2

During this unit, you will learn about habitats and describe how these provide for the basic needs of animals and plants.

Plants – Year 2

During this unit, you will find out what plants need to grow and stay healthy

Art and Design

Y1 & Y2 Abstract Art- painting

During this unit, you will focus on how shape, line and colour can express a feeling or message.

Y1 & Y2 – Drawing, Including Sgraffito

During this unit of work, you will learn how to use line and shape to create simple but effective drawings.

Y1 & Y2 – Drawing_Illustrations

During this unit, you will learn how illustrators use line in their work before trying it yourself.

Y1 & Y2 – Sculpture_Modelling

During this unit, you will learn how to use modelling dough to create shapes that represent forms from real life.

Design and Technology

Y1 & Y2 – Food and Nutrition_Picnic Party

During this unit, you will learn how to create savoury snacks for a picnic.

Y1 & Y2 – Frame Structures

During this unit, you will explore the stability of different bases before building your own structure.

Y1 & Y2 – Sliders and Levers

During this unit, you will learn about the movement of levers and slider.

Y1 & Y2 – Mechanisms_Wheels and Axles

During this unit, you will learn about different wheels and axles.


Y1 & Y2 – Performance _Call and Reponse

During this unit, you will learn how to perform call and response songs with a steady beat and increasing tempo.

Y1 & Y2 – Performance_Contrasting Genres

During this unit, you will be learning how to perform songs from contrasting genres.

Y1 & Y2 – Compostion_Traditional Tales

During this unit, you will learn create a piece of music to represent a character’s personality and actions.

Y1 & Y2 – Listening and Appreciating_Carnival of Animals

During this unit, you will compare music from ‘The Carnival of the Animals’.