
A collection of Burwell Village College Primary’s policies and procedures.

Policies relating to Safeguarding

8 Safeguarding and Child Protection 2023

Keeping children safe in education 2023 statutory guidance

10 CME Policy (For Maintained Schools and Academies) December 2020 (11.2)

22 Online Esafety Policy

50 Whistle Blowing Policy

70 Safer Recruitment Policy BVCP 07092021

38 Code of Conduct Policy Feb 2023

Policies relating to school processes and procedures

40 Equal opporunities and anti-discrimination policy Feb 2023

55 Charging and Remissions Policy BVCP

3 Admission Policy

37 GDPR Policy BVCP Feb 2023

56 Governors Allowances Policy BVCP Feb 2023

57 Instrument of Governance Burwell VC Primary Feb 2023

2 Accessibility plan Feb 2023

Policies relating to pupils

4 Anti-bullying Policy Sep 2023

6 Attendance (Pupil) Policy Jul 23

7 Behaviour policy Feb 2023

14 EVC Policy Feb 2023

16 First aid policy

18 Homework Policy Feb 2023

28 Remote learning Feb 2023

31 Uniform Policy

Policies relating to parents

9 Complaints Policy

26 SRE policy

74 Bereavement Policy