Vision and Values

Vision and Values

2023-2024 House Champions

2023 – 2024 House Champions

Throughout the year, pupils have been earning house points for their team. Following sports day and the end-of-year science quizzes, the final scores have been announced. Many congratulations to Fire. You are our House Champions for 2023 – 2024!

Fire 1st ~ 2,831

Water 2nd ~ 2,693

Air 3rd ~ 2,648

Earth 4th ~ 2,256


Cultural Capital ~ Money Matters Y3 & Y4

Money Matters – Contributing to the Community

As part of their learning in Cultural Capital, pupils from Year 3 and Year 4 have been learning about how to manage money and the different decisions lots of people have to make when budgeting.

The children decided that they would like to collect donations to give to the local foodbank (located at Burwell Day Centre). They were very grateful to receive so many!

Y6 Theme Park Project

Theme Park Project

While other students engaged in transition days within schools, Year 6 worked on planning their own theme park. In this theme park project, the children had the opportunity to work in groups and make decisions as to what the name and logo of their park should be, how their theme park should be set out, the attractions available for guests and what the other facilities could attract visitors.
The children used a variety of mathematical skills and applied their knowledge from a range of different concepts to ensure their park was set out effectively and operated efficiently. Students had to calculate the area and perimeter of rides and also find percentages of large amounts of money. Students worked diligently over the three days this task took to complete and should be incredibly proud of their efforts.
It has been wonderful to be able to complete these activities with students as their time at Burwell Village College Primary School comes to an end. They should all be commended on a great end to a fantastic year. We wish the students all the best as they move to secondary school.

Y5 Ancient Greece Workshop

Ancient Greece Workshop

The children in Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed their Ancient Greek workshop day where they got to immerse themselves in many different activities. The day started with both classes altogether where they were introduced to life in Ancient Greece. Throughout the day, the children learnt about: battle formations and tactics, where they got to use shields and spears; Ancient Greek board games; city-state management, where they learnt about democracy and took part in lots of voting; and writing like and Ancient Greek scribe, where they got to write with ink on papyrus paper.

Y3 Field Trip

Ely Field Trip
Year 3 enjoyed a fantastic day in Ely collecting geography data about visitors to the city. We spoke to people from countries such as Holland, America and Africa. The children also had a tour of the Cathedral which helped them to compare Barcelona to Ely.

Y4 Visit Ely

                                  Year 4 Visit Ely

This week, year 4 visited Ely to complete a river use survey in order to compare the river uses of the Great River Ouse to the Amazon River.  We found lots of differences and some similarities too. We completed sketch maps, land use survey and a boat tally as well as other primary research data collection.   During the trip, we also explored tourist attractions, such as Ely Cathedral and the Oliver Cromwell Museum, which will enable us to complete our persuasive brochure in our writing.

Summer House Competition

Summer House Competition ~ Maths Games

Pupils in Reception brought in their maths games this morning. I’m sure you’ll all agree that they each deserve a house point for their team. The overall winners will be announced after school.

We look forward to seeing all of your entries.
Y1 & Y2 – Tuesday
Y3 & Y4 – Wednesday
Y5 & Y6 – Thursday

OfSTED Report

Burwell OfSTED

We are a very good school!

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are proud to attend this happy school. The school makes everyone feel welcome. Caring staff build strong, positive and supportive relationships with pupils, including children in the early years. This helps pupils to feel safe and secure in school.

The school is ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils’ behaviour is a strength of the school. They are respectful, considerate and polite. Lessons are rarely disrupted, and pupils maintain their positive behaviour during playtimes and lunchtimes.

Pupils have many enrichment opportunities. Trips to places of interest, including the Fitzwilliam Museum, help pupils engage with their learning and bring the curriculum to life. Pupils appreciate the opportunity to take on leadership roles, such as being a house captain or play leader. They are keen to attend the clubs on offer, such as sewing, yoga and mindfulness.

Pupils are developing their understanding of difference and inclusion through the carefully selected texts they meet in the ‘Burwell Bookshelf’. They build their confidence and leadership skills through ‘culture capital’ projects. For example, pupils create a business in the ‘fiver challenge’ and donate profits to local charities. Pupils are well prepared for their future lives.

Y2 Colchester Zoo


On Monday 20th May, Year 2 visited Colchester zoo as part of their history and science learning.

During the trip, the children saw many animals and found out how the zoo supports conservation projects. They also took part in a workshop about habitats and they got to feel cheetah fur.

This experience was brilliant in enhancing the children’s knowledge about how the zoo has changed overtime and their understanding of carnivores, omnivores and herbivores.

What a wonderful time the Y2 children had!