Well-being Team
We would like to introduce two of our dedicated HLTA’s, Carmen Saunders and Nicola Hedley-Catley, who have taken on a new and exciting role within our school. They are our new wellbeing mentors, a role which we have established to support pupils following the pandemic but also in response to the changing nature of the world around us that can impact in many different ways on our children.
Mrs. Hedley-Catley and Mrs. Saunders are developing a ‘Wellbeing programme’ to engage and support children with social, emotional, mental wellbeing and to promote ‘prosocial’ behaviours. Sometimes, mental health and behaviour can be barriers to learning and progress for pupils achieving their personal and academic potential. The support they receive will enable all pupils to actively and positively engage in their learning.
At Burwell Village College Primary School, we recognise the importance of promoting positive mental health and supporting the emotional wellbeing of our children and families. We aim to create an open culture around the discussion of mental health and wellbeing through the implementation of the Zones of Regulation curriculum. We teach our children to identify emotions in themselves, and others, and provide them with strategies to help regulate their emotions and improve their wellbeing
There is a new ‘Nurture and Wellbeing Room’, which some children are using and benefiting from already. The team have recently begun to develop a sensory and physical activity room to support pupils who may find it useful to take some time to process unwanted or negative feelings in a safe environment.
A ‘Special Thanks’ to ‘The Friends of Burwell Village College’ for their ongoing support, supplying us with resources and furnishings for our Wellbeing Room.
Where teachers identify that there a pupil may benefit from support they will speak to parents before requesting well-being team involvement. Where parents are concerned about children’s mental health or feel that they are struggling at school or home and need some additional support the should speak to the class teacher who will then discuss with the well-being team whether there is an appropriate support programme in school.
We believe that by providing these spaces and dedicated members of staff to support, we can ensure that every child has the opportunity to thrive whilst at Burwell.
Well-being Team
Nicola Hedley-Catley