Special Education Needs & Disability

SENDCo- Alison Beardon

[email protected]

SEND strategy presentation document shared with parents at an evening meeting in November 2020.  The information contained explains in detail the new ‘wave’ structure which allows parents, teachers and pupils to use a common language and share common expectations of the support that the school will have in place for children with identified SEND.

The agreed SEND strategy implements the wave structure which gives clear guidance about the amount and type of support that will be in place and the assessment and monitoring that should take place as pupils move between the ‘waves’.

SEND Websites and Agencies

Cambridgeshire County Council Local Offer

Cambridgeshire County Council SEND Strategies


Special Education Needs & Disability (SEND) Strategy

24 Inclusion and SEND Policy

Burwell VC Primary Waves of Support Structure

25 SEND information report

25 SEND information report