Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-2025

Check if you are eligible for free school meals

School overview



School name Burwell Village College
Number of pupils in school 377
Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils 75 (20%)
Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended) 3 years
Date this statement was published 18/10/2023
Date on which it will be reviewed 09/2024
Statement authorised by Governing Body
Pupil premium lead Sarah Baugh
Governor lead Hannah James



Funding overview

Detail Amount
Pupil premium funding allocation this financial year (2023/24) £ 114 455
Recovery premium funding allocation £ 0
PP + funding £ 15 180
PP funding £ 99 275
Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable) £ 0
Total budget for this financial year


£ 114 455

Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent

As a school we are determined to ensure that all pupils achieve what is expected of them.  This means that we set challenging targets for our pupils and staff and provide specific interventions, boosters and support to ensure that we achieve them.  This begins with our assessment of pupils in the Early years, recognising their strengths and areas for development.  We then track this attainment across all subjects in all years.  Identifying concerns early is a crucial part of our strategy ensuring that where pupils are identified as falling behind they work with members of staff to fill these gaps.  Where we identify that pupils need additional challenge they will work with identified staff to ensure that they are reaching their potential.  Our expectation is that all pupils, regardless of their starting points or vulnerabilities, will achieve age related expectation by the end of each year.  Those with special educational needs may require a slightly different approach or tailored curriculum but will still be expected to make good progress and attain their best.

We value the wider curriculum as much as our core curriculum offer.  The curriculum is based on an EBACC style offer meaning that we have based our theme teaching around science, history and geography with English and mathematics skills being developed and applied in these subjects alongside their discrete teaching.  On other days, we offer pupils a varied and in-depth curriculum based around the arts.  This includes detailed music, art and DT teaching.  There are specific opportunities for the application of ICT skills as well as a computing curriculum.  We have incorporated understanding of social media, drama, enterprise and community engagement and self-study as part of our wider curriculum offer.  The curriculum reflects the expectations we have for pupils to be able to explore different subjects and find elements of the curriculum that they love and are good at.  It ensures that there is no opportunity to narrow the curriculum offer.

Teachers are best placed to ensure that pupils achieve the best outcomes but in order to do this they need the chance to develop their own subject knowledge, teaching skills and share good practice.  As a school we value learning at all levels.  We are therefore committed to staff development as we know that it is this that increases outcomes for pupils more than anything else.  We offer staff the chance to work together during the working week to involve themselves in coaching programmes, action research, school development plans, planning, moderation and assessment.  This time is so valuable and ensures that staff are continually learning and implementing new and improved teaching and learning skills from each other and external providers which ensures vulnerable pupils have access to the best quality teaching we can provide.

Our commitment extends further than the academic and the arts.  We know that most pupils at some point in their school career will need additional support to understand and develop coping strategies for various external influences.  We have therefore set up a well-being team who run programmes for specific children and specific needs.  This could be mental health, play therapy, bereavement counselling, ADHD support or just support with confidence and self-esteem.  This is a new team and the programmes on offer are developing but will, we believe, have a significant impact in the long term.  We also offer tutoring to identified pupils and a number of after school clubs run by our own staff and external providers.

All children should come to school excited about learning, eager to achieve and prepared to work hard. We are determined to ensure that our school culture reflects this and that this is provided in a supportive, caring and nurturing environment.  We believe that this will develop pupils into engaged, active members of society having developed resilience and tenacity and ready for the next stage of their school journey.



Definition of disadvantaged and/or vulnerable

At Burwell Village College we recognise that funding for disadvantaged pupils comes as a result of pupils who are entitled to free school meals, however, we are also very aware that this is an all too simple definition of disadvantage.  We know that there are many families and therefore children who are experiencing difficulty through other factors.  As our commitment is to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their starting points, achieve age related expectations we must demonstrate that commitment to reducing disadvantage in all its forms wherever we can.

As a school we have therefore identified these factors as having the potential to affect academic and social development and have targeted strategies to support each.  Having identified that these factors can impact on development we have then sought to identify how they can negatively affect pupils and put in strategies and support mechanisms to mitigate these risks as much as possible.

We also recognise that just because these factors exist and can pose a risk, not all children and families who would recognise the factors within their own environments are negatively affected.  We seek to discuss these concerns with families to ensure that we are not making unfair assumptions about the impact of these factors.

·        Eligibility for free school meals

·        Identification as a Young Carer

·        Experience of domestic violence

·        Personal circumstances of parents including but not limited to experiencing mental health concerns, separation, bereavement etc.

·        Parents finding it difficult to engage with school because of concerns including but not limited to time pressures, their own        experiences of school etc.

·        Family financial concerns

·        Pupils with medical care plans

·        Pupils and/or parents with English as an Additional Language (EAL)

·        Pupils who have or are experiencing being supported by local authority care (Looked After and Post Looked After Children; LAC and Post-LAC)

·        Children whose parents work in the armed forces (Service children)

·        Children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)

·        Children and families who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community

We recognise that this list is not exhaustive and that some of these factors may not cause any disadvantage but they do represent the risk factors that have been identified by the school


This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge number Detail of challenge
1 Pupil engagement with learning

Many of the pupils who are associated with any of these vulnerabilities can at times be tired, withdrawn, emotionally drained or worried about what is happening at home.  This can limit their capacity to engage in learning activities to their fullest extent.

2 Access to technology

Often through financial constraints, children’s access to either physical technology or the means to access learning via stable internet connections can be reduced.

3 Attendance

Pupils who are experiencing risk factors can struggle to attend school because of self-esteem issues, parent capacity either physical (lack of transport for example) or emotional (concerns over finance for example can be overwhelming) to get children into school. This increases the likelihood of an attainment gap which can then exacerbate the feelings of low self-esteem.

4 Trauma, Attachment and Trust

Pupils and families who have experienced or are experiencing many of these factors may have also experienced trauma, may exhibit unhealthy attachment or trust concerns which need to be supported in order to be able to access learning.

5 Gaps in learning/Improved academic outcomes

Children who are exposed to any of these risk factors are likely to have gaps in their learning either through their own capacity to learn at the time, lack of attendance, or lack of support at home for example.

6 Access to Wider opportunities

Many of these factors can constrain finances, time and capacity and therefore reduce access to opportunities beyond the household.  Sometimes there can be feelings of guilt for pupils and families that they do not want to add any further concerns to each other and therefore do not take up the opportunities offered.


Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome Success criteria
To improve attendance of DA pupils Persistent absenteeism of DA pupils will be reduced to be closer in line with non-disadvantaged pupils
To improve outcomes Improvement in the quality of teaching

Improvement in subject knowledge in identified areas

Increased capacity within intervention groups to ensure good progress for disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils

To ensure that pupils social and emotional needs of pupils are supported effectively Pupils effectively supported to access learning regularly leading to improved outcomes

Social and emotional concerns identified swiftly

Communication with parents effective to ensure that recurrence of concerns is limited

Pupils feel able to access learning quicker and more effectively.

Increased capacity to support pupils who have experienced trauma, unhealthy attachment and other identified concerns Staff better equipped to identify trauma and attachment concerns
To increase opportunities and wider experiences Providing access to a wider variety of cultural capital experiences including an appropriately broad curriculum and extra-curricular activities


Activity in this academic year

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost: £55,230

Activity Evidence that supports this approach Challenge number(s) addressed
Staff CPD in music, art, mathematics, phonics, spelling, reading, writing and EYFS, EEF Great Teaching Toolkit evidence review.  The quality of teaching is identified as the single biggest factor in pupil attainment and progress.  The toolkit particularly highlights that depth of subject knowledge is key to successful teaching.  Clearly core subject teaching needs continual development and opportunities for staff to learn the subject content, especially if they have moved year group.  Likewise many staff will not have had detailed training in foundation subjects and this needs to be addressed systematically in a way that staff can take on board the subject content as well as the practical teaching elements are subject specific (disciplinary vs substantive knowledge). 1, 4, 5, 6



Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)

Budgeted cost: £ 9 450

Activity Evidence that supports this approach Challenge number(s) addressed
Access to reading material in and out of school Improved vocabulary, support for parents at home with wider and more structured reading opportunities.  Bug Club provides some text to speech technology which supports any parents who are time poor or are concerned about reading themselves.  It also provides some comprehension activities aiding children and parents in the development of understanding of texts. 1, 5
Maths Whizz The EEF guidance to the use of technology report supports the targeted use of technology to support repeated practice and support assessment.  Maths Whizz is an online package that responds to the amount of pupil practice and the quality and improvement that they are demonstrating.  It provides useful feedback to teachers about which areas of mathematics pupils may be struggling with allowing teachers to alter their planning to ensure that children have further teaching and guidance in these areas.  This allows teachers to tailor the curriculum to both the needs of the majority and where necessary providing information for catch-up programmes or additional tuition to fill gaps in knowledge. 1, 2, 5, 6,
Language Link The Speech Link and Language Link programmes include all the tools a whole school approach to improving language. From standardised assessments to evidenced interventions; from an audit tool to high quality training and progress monitoring. 1, 8
Success at Arithmetic Maths intervention programme focussed specifically on pupils who have fallen slightly behind their peers in calculation.  It is an 8-12 week programme which provides additional tuition for this group and has demonstrable improvement outcomes, particularly in pupil confidence and speed of calculation. 5
Small group tuition EEF research suggests that small groups are more effective than 1:1 in most circumstances.  Teachers already deliver small group tuition on one night per week.  Tutors are currently being sought to deliver further tuition. 5

 Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost: £ 61 561


Activity Evidence that supports this approach Challenge number(s) addressed
Purchase of technology for home use Identifying pupils who are not able to access the online support, e.g. Bug Club and Maths Whizz and those who are also not able to complete homework activities therefore potentially missing opportunities for repeated practice. 2
Wider curriculum opportunities Support for school trips (particularly residential).

Development of the wider curriculum, particularly resources a more in-depth curriculum.

1, 3, 6
 Well-being team Support for pupils with social and emotional difficulties which may be affecting engagement in the curriculum, attendance, self-esteem.  The development and implementation of meta-cognition strategies and self-regulation (Zones of Regulation).  EEF research “explicit teaching of metacognitive and self-regulatory strategies could therefore encourage such pupils to practise and use these skills more frequently in the future. With explicit teaching and feedback, pupils are more likely to use these strategies independently and habitually, enabling them to manage their own learning and overcome challenges themselves in the future”.

Trauma and attachment, bereavement, domestic violence, parental separation training.

Support for persistent absenteeism.  Understanding causes and identifying strategies to address these concerns alongside a robust system for analysing data, informing parents and taking necessary action.

1, 3, 4


Total budgeted cost: £ 126 241

Part B: Review of outcomes in the previous academic year

Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention) 

On the whole, staff value the CPD on a Friday for many reasons. The CPD sessions have covered a wide range of targets. These mainly focused on the SIP, but were also derived from observations and staff feedback. The purpose of CPD is to ‘upskill’ our teachers and enable them to provide the best practice they can for the children. Teaching in identified areas has shown a marked improved (SL feedback from monitoring).  

The subject knowledge of the teachers has improved dramatically in terms of delivery, planning, use of questioning and assessment. Accordingly, I have seen a significant improvement in the ability of the children to engage with their learning. (SL feedback) 

Staff feel very positively about the impact CPD has on their practice. We have a few early career teachers (ECTs) at Burwell and they feel CPD gives them a chance to learn from others when they wouldn’t necessarily have a chance, ask questions and have better communication with other staff members. The majority of our teachers value CPD and agree/strongly agree that it is useful and has a positive impact on their practice within the classroom.  

 CPD has improved my subject knowledge and awareness of progression through the school, which has been helpful as I moved Key Stages. I also feel I play a part in a cohesive education offer and have more awareness of where I fit in to the wider school.  

It has given me the opportunity to gain new skills and explore new areas has been amazing for me improving my practice. 

(Staff feedback October 2023) 

Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions 

Bug Club 

Bug Club has had a huge impact across the school enabling all children at Burwell to have access to high quality banded books. Regular assessments are carried out, which ensure that all children are accessing the correct reading material for their level. Children have had very positive reactions to the Bug Club books.  

There are a wide range of books and sometimes you get different types of books like books about the sea creatures. (Year 3) 

I like the pictures in the books and some of them are funny (Year 1)  

It’s nice that you can access books online on the same colour, as sometimes when I’ve finished my book, my mum logs into Bug Club and I can read other Orange books. (Year 2) 

The feature of online books is a great tool for our children to access other reading material that some children do not have access to. It also gives teachers a way of assessing the children more accurately.  

Bug Club is also being used to deliver the Phonics intervention on Tuesdays. This has saved teachers time planning and making resources. It also ensures that the targeted children are receiving consistent tutoring from all teachers. 

Maths Whizz  

Where Maths Whizz has been used effectively, children have made progress. We have improved the use of Maths Whizz by:  

  1. CPD with a representative from Maths Whizz to explain how it works and why it is effective. 
  1. Rigorous monitoring by the Maths Lead to ensure that teachers are making sure that children are achieving 3 progressions a week and that children are completing one hour a week. 
  1. Children who get into the Hall of Fame (making required progress in a week) are celebrated. 
  1. Class Cup awarded to the class with the highest number of children in the Hall of Fame. 
  1. Parents are now able to connect with their child’s account (currently at 25%) 

The progress of Maths Whizz will be re-evaluated in the next academic year.  

Talk Boost 

Talk Boost has not happened this year as Language Link was seen to be a better fit for the school. We cannot yet measure the impact of the intervention as it has only just been implemented across the school.  

Success @ Arithmetic 

Success @ Arithmetic has been running in KS2.  Having evaluated the sessions it was identified that there were some inconsistencies and therefore this has been amended for this current academic year. Success @ Arithmetic is led by a trained HLTA for 3 afternoons a week to various identified groups.

Small group tuition 

Tutoring is now taking place 1x weekly with targeted children and is delivered by teachers. The first round of tutoring is being targeted at phonics this year.   The tutoring is so far having a positive impact, but the wider impact of tutoring will be measured in the latter stage of the year. HLTAs deliver small group tuition with targeted children, which does include many interventions such as Maths Whizz. This impact will be measured later on in the year as well.  

Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing) 

Wellbeing Team 

The Wellbeing team and room act as a “safe” space for some of our most vulnerable children at Burwell.  The team carry out 1:1 sessions, conduct daily check-ins, deliver counselling and provide a listening ear when needed, as well as other tasks that support these children. When speaking to some of the targeted children, it is evident that the team have a positive impact and provide support for children that is not always possible within the classroom setting. The team have now implemented a wider emotions scheme across the whole school called ‘Zones of Regulation’. This is to help cater for all children at Burwell, supporting them to learn regulation techniques. The impact across the school so far has been positive and many children feel it has given them an opportunity to express their feelings in a non-intrusive way (pupil voice Oct 23). One recent change has been their upcoming outreach to parents with their planned ‘Little Readers Café’ aimed at some of our most vulnerable parents/families to encourage engagement and create communication opportunities. The impact of this will be evaluated in the spring. The team are also now monitoring attendance across the school and intervening when it dips below a certain level. The impact of this will also be monitored in the Spring.  

Purchase of technology for home use 

None of our PP children needed access to in this academic year. 

Pupil premium strategy outcomes

This details the impact that our pupil premium activity had on pupils in the 2021 to 2022 academic year.

The development of the curriculum ensured that all pupils had access to specific music, art, DT, MFL and PE teaching widening and deepening pupil experience.

Access to Maths Whizz at school has enhanced pupil opportunity for repeated practise.

Information gathered about pupil experiences at home has significantly increased and has enabled the well-being to be more targeted in the approach to support.

The attainment gap between children identified as disadvantaged and others remains significant but stable.

Further information

We recognise that pupil premium funding supports targeted staffing, interventions and school development to ensure that the most disadvantaged children achieve as well as they can.  We therefore also recognise that the school has an obligation to ensure that these programmes and staffing levels are sustainable.  Identifying the overspend ensures that the school remains committed to these models and that the proportion of school revenue budget necessary to ensure the success is identified and agreed by the governing body.