Ofsted Reporting

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils like their school and attend well. They particularly like the activities provided
in the ‘cultural capital’ lessons and in the school’s many clubs, such as dance,
origami, and sport. Pupils told inspectors that they enjoy learning. Many aspects of
the curriculum are new and pupils have not had the chance to build up their
knowledge over time in several subjects.

Children make a good start to their education in Reception. They learn to make
responsible choices in their learning and play. Reception is a happy, purposeful and
well-organised place in which children learn.

From the start of Reception, pupils develop an understanding of the importance of
kindness and collaboration. They work happily together in lessons. Their behaviour
is good. They get along well at playtimes and lunchtimes. Pupils look out for each
other’s well-being. Their relationships with adults are respectful and positive.
Pupils know what bullying is and the forms that it can take. They said, that while
there can be fallouts between friends, there is little bullying in their school. They
also said that adults help pupils to solve any problems that do occur. Pupils feel safe
and are safe.


Inspection of Burwell Village College

OfSTED Report Letter