Governing Body Information

Structure and Responsibilities

The governing body are a group of volunteers who give their time and expertise to help the school operate effectively.  They have a responsibility for the strategic direction of the school as part of the school leadership.  The governing body at Burwell Village College operates collectively so all governors attend at least one meeting per half term and a dedicated budget setting meeting.  This ensures that information is clearly communicated and available to all governors.

Governors will spend time in the school getting to know staff and pupils.  They have a responsibility for different areas of the curriculum and school life from specific curriculum subjects like English or music to checking that additional funding is being spent effectively to support groups of children.  Governors will discuss their observations with school staff, including the senior leadership team, and support the SLT to ensure that plans that are in plans are as effective as possible.

The governing body has a collective responsibility for ensuring that the schools finances are allocated effectively to improve pupil outcomes and opportunities.  They have responsibility to ensure that children and staff are kept safe and healthy whilst at school and that parents and other stakeholders are kept informed of school outcomes.

If you want to know more about the governing body and its work, please read the minutes of the meetings which are available below.  If there is a specific query with regard to the work of the governing body, please contact Edris Tildesley, chair of governors, via the school office.

Edris Tildesley

Chair of Governors

Local Authority Governor

Safeguarding Governor

Stephen Taylor

Vice Chair of Governors

Co-opted Governor

Antony Kern


Reena Appadoo

Co-opted Governor

Fiona Jackson

Co-opted Governor

Lauren Sewell

Co-opted Governor

Rhiannon Beal

Staff Governor

Martha Cannon

Parent Governor

Tom Cock

Parent Governor

David Sanders

Co-opted Governor

Structure and remit of the Governing Body.

The Governing Body of Burwell meets 6 times each year, usually on a half termly basis. The governing body is structured to work without committees with the task of monitoring specific areas being delegated to individual or pairs of governors. These roles are as follows:

Governor Responsibilities 2024/2025.

Responsibility. Governor 1 Governor 2 Governor 3
Committee membership.
Headteacher Performance Review Committee. Edris Tildesley Renna Appadoo Fiona Jackson
Headteacher Performance Review Committee, appeals panel. Stephen Taylor Martha Cannon Tom Cock
Pay Review Committee. Edris Tildesley Renna Appadoo Fiona Jackson
Pay Review Committee, appeals panel. Stephen Taylor Martha Cannon

/Lauren Sewell/Tom Cock

Martha Cannon

/Lauren Sewell/Tom Cock

Exclusions and Suspensions appeals panel. Stephen Taylor Fiona Jackson TBA
Parental Complaints Committee. Stephen Taylor Fiona Jackson Reena Appadoo
Staff Complaints Committee. Stephen Taylor Fiona Jackson Reena Appadoo
Link governor roles.
Finance. Stephen Taylor Martha Cannon
Safeguarding. Edris Tildesley
Inclusion (PP and SEND) Edris Tildesley
Health and Safety. Reena Appadoo
Curriculum. Tom Cock to lead Governors linked to specific curriculum areas:

·        Maths: Tom Cock

·        Geography and Music: Martha Cannon

·        Art and Science: Reena Appadoo

·        Cultural Capital: Lauren Sewell

Community links. Lauren Sewell.
Governor training. Rhiannon Beal
Friends of Burwell School liaison. Stephen Taylor Lauren Sewell
Website compliance (all, the named governor to lead). Autumn

Tom Cock


Lauren Sewell


Reena Appadoo

EYFS Fiona Jackson

Governor appointments and terms of office.

Governor Appointment route. First appointed. Term of office end.
Edris Tildesley Local Authority Governor. 2/11/2020 1/11/2024
Stephen Taylor Co-opted Governor. 8/2/2022 7/2/2026
Reena Appadoo Co-opted Governor. 14/7/2022 13/7/2026
Martha Cannon Parent Governor. 13/3/2023 12/3/2027
Rhiannon Beal Staff Governor. 9/3/2022 8/3/2026
Lauren Sewell. Parent Governor. 6/10/2022 5/10/2026
Fiona Jackman Co-opted Governor. 8/5/2024 7/5/2028
Tom Cock Parent Governor. 13/3/2023 12/3/2027
Antony Kern Ex-Officio


Governor statutory information

Instrument of Governance BURWELL VILLAGE COLLEGE PRIMARY 09032022

1. 25.09.24 Approved Minutes of Burwell VCP FGB Meeting

2a. 20.11.24 Approved Minutes of Burwell VCP FGB Meeting

Governor Attendance 2024-2025