
Attendance Policy

Pupils are expected to attend school every day and come into school ready to learn with all the correct equipment required.

Absence from school must be reported on the first morning of absence and daily thereafter by leaving a message on the absence answerphone on the main office telephone line – 01638 613103.

School gates ad doors open at 08:30 and close promptly at 08:40.  Any pupils arriving after this time must come through the front school office and be signed in by a parent.

Parents must inform the school office of any pupil leaving early or being collected by another adult that is not themselves. If a pupil is leaving early then parents can collect from the main school office and at that time sign the pupil out from school.

Parents wishing to take their children out of school for any reason other than illness must complete an absence request form (see below) in advance for authorisation by the Head or Deputy Headteacher.

Full details of attendance expectations can be found in the policy below.

6 Attendance (Pupil) Policy Jul 23