Theme Park Project
While other students engaged in transition days within schools, Year 6 worked on planning their own theme park. In this theme park project, the children had the opportunity to work in groups and make decisions as to what the name and logo of their park should be, how their theme park should be set out, the attractions available for guests and what the other facilities could attract visitors.
The children used a variety of mathematical skills and applied their knowledge from a range of different concepts to ensure their park was set out effectively and operated efficiently. Students had to calculate the area and perimeter of rides and also find percentages of large amounts of money. Students worked diligently over the three days this task took to complete and should be incredibly proud of their efforts.

It has been wonderful to be able to complete these activities with students as their time at Burwell Village College Primary School comes to an end. They should all be commended on a great end to a fantastic year. We wish the students all the best as they move to secondary school.