To enrich our learning in History, Mr Brookes visited our class this afternoon. Before he retired, he spent many years working on the railways. Now, he is the chairperson of the Cambridge and District Model Engineering Society (miniature railways). He is an expert when it comes to steam trains – large and small.

Mr Brookes showed us how transport has changed over time and he told us about the development of local railway lines. He also set us a challenge to make sure we were listening carefully. There was a prize – tickets to visit the model railway – for the person that could remember the answer to his question. ‘Can you remember when Burwell station was built?’ It was built in 1884.

When he uncovered his model steam engine, we were really excited to take a closer look at the working parts.

We also had the opportunity to ask him lots of ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions to learn more about him and the development of steam power.