Pupils from our Year 5 and Year 6 Enterprise, Cultural Capital group distributed their plant-filled pots within the community. The pupils raised all of the funds necessary to cover the costs. We hope that our act of kindness will brighten people’s gardens and make them smile.

We applied our geography fieldwork skills when out distributing our plant-filled pots.

Each group designed their own logo.
Dear Miss Mansfield,
Please could you give my thanks to the pupils of year 5 and 6 who prepared my lovely planter that I found this afternoon at the top of Parsonage lane , near the old Barclays Bank. What a lovely surprise! I felt a bit self conscious carrying it home but am looking forward to seeing it growing in my garden.
It was a lovely idea; unexpected acts of kindness can have such unexpected, long term results sometimes. It certainly made my day brighter. Keep up the good work!With best wishes to you all.